(Please follow the link for the complete update. There are photos of Christopher Judge visiting and artwork of a Wraith cruiser design.)

Watched the final mix of Adrift this morning. Simply put: Best Season Premiere Ever.
Marty G. pitched out a special guest star for Outcast, a character we haven't seen since his debilitating injury in season. Won't the fans be surprised. Well, probably not as I'm sure you've figured it out.
I'm really looking forward to Harmony. I know Jodelle will be brilliant. She's always brilliant.
Midway is looking big, Big, BIG! Oh, and BamBam has been working on that sparring scene for weeks.
Marty G. promises to have Trio (formerly Full Tilt) done for next week after which he'll no doubt sleep for three straight days.
Watched Kindred II dailies from Terminal City. Dark, dank, disturbing.
Mailbag resumes tomorrow.
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