(Please follow the link for the complete blog update. There are photos from the location filming for "Harmony" at the site. There is also a new video clip!)
Friday, August 31, 2007
Well, today’s late call meant I could sleep in past 5:00 a.m. and not have to roll onto set until 11:00 a.m.-ish. They were just setting up the scene with special guest star and Extra correspondent Jerry Penacoli, a.k.a. Genii #3, a.k.a. Genii Jerry. Jerry was all smiles and laughs but the second Will yelled “Action!”, he was IN character - tensing up, quavering, and then hitting the dirt like Sir Lawrence Olivier as an after-sticked Julius Caesar. He even threw in a little finishing leg kick. Masterful!
We finished up the scene at the ruins a little before 8:00 p.m. at which point I was informed that we were moving. I packed away my camera, slipped my laptop into its case, tossed out my empty pudding can, then turned around…. Everyone was gone. And they’d taken the equipment with them. I was alone in the woods. Bewildered, I looked around to see if I could see which way they’d headed. A rustling in the brush behind me could well have been a meandering A.D. - but my first thought was “hungry cougar” and that was enough to send me quickly off in the opposite direction. I finally found a path that led me out of the forest and over to the trucks and trailers where the next scene was being set up: the late night search and sniff.
I returned home sleepy yet satisfied in the knowledge that this episode will surprise fans not unlike that enormous dead branch Techy Chuck leaned up against and sent crashing down onto the forest floor, mere inches from where I was standing.
Video: [And it's Action Shep and McKay!]¤t=M2U00038.flv
Génial cette video! Joseph est trop fort^^
The photo of Joe Flanigan is a screen cap from the video clip that Joe Mallozzi gifted us with.
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