(Amanda Tapping and Joe Flanigan are on the cover.)

Stargate Atlantis: Amanda Tapping
Stardust: The Inside Story
Battlestar Galactica: Season 3
Doctor Who: Series 3 Volume 4
Joe Dante: The Interview
Complete Guide to Quantum Leap
Star Trek
Sarah Connor Chronicles
Gordon's Alive
"Snake Plissken...I heard you were dead"
And a limited number of issues come with a FREE CD disc -- the Ultimate SciFi Now Quiz - test your knowledge in our ultimate scifi now quiz.
Also, this issue has for their Top Ten category: SciFi TV Heroes:
#1 is Captain James T. Kirk and...
#6 Major General Jack O'Neill
Year: 1997
Creator: Jonathan Glassner, Brad Wright
Played by: Richard Dean Anderson
A sinister selection of enemies faced Jack O'Neill in his eight years with SG-1, but every single one fell victim to his greatest asset: his wit. Never afraid to quip at an enemy, O'Neill is worth having around for the goofi ness alone. However, he has the self-sacrificing dramatic qualities that are needed in a heroic protagonist, too.
Take `Lost City', for example, in Season 7: knowing it could kill him if used again, O'Neill downloaded the Ancient knowledge back into his brain, searching for a way to defeat Anubis and the Goa'uld. No wonder he earned the rank of Major General.
# 10 John Crichton
Year: 1999
Creator: Rockne S O'Bannon
Played by: Ben Browder
Crichton's tale is another of science fiction's great `fish out of water' scenarios, but it's his infl uence and determination that makes him hero material. Aided by some terrific characterisation on the part of the writers, Crichton's struggles in his head made for some pristine sci-fi viewing, and his relationship with Aeryn was
well thought out and touching as well.
The trousers made the character, though. The amount of effort that Ben Browder must have put into getting dressed each day must have been astronomical. A few more seasons of the character would have done us nicely, but we're thankful for the miniseries, at the very least.
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