(Please follow the link for the complete update. No photos today...but we're gifted with a video clip of Paul McGillion on the set!)
Monday, August 27, 2007
Hey, check out the new video addition to this blog featuring extra special guest star…that Dallas Cowboys fan. No, no, no. Not Robert Cooper. The OTHER Dallas Cowboys fan.
Joe has posted his video clip, available here:
action=view¤t=M2U00007.flv's Paul McGillion!

Today's pics: None today. Don't be so greedy.
Today's mailbag -
Anonymous #1 writes: "You mentioned a huge ending for season 4 which will be a good pick up for season five but if there is no season five will you just leave the fans hanging?"
Answer: I'm not in a position to make any promises, but I'm fairly certain that we'll find a way to answer most of those unanswered questions.
Zabadoo writes: "1.)Will there be any more Batman references this season? 2.)How long is Teal'c in Reunion? What about Midway? 3.)Who is the least developed character in the fourth season?"
Answers: 1) Yes. 2) He'll make a cameo in Reunion and put in a full appearance in Midway. 3) Chuck.
Chevron 7 writes: "Did he get rid of the pony tail?"
Answer: Yup and Carl was soooo disappointed.
Sanura writes: "Was the Sedge in "The Real World" Torri's dog?"
Answer: Yep.
Dsbeerf writes: "Thanks for not mentioning to Jason what I said about him wearing glasses in the picture you snapped. I am glad I did not have to spend long months in the hospital."
Answer: Not yet anyway. Jason has been kind of busy but he's sworn a blood oath to get you. Just saying.
Linzi writes: "Will we learn about Sheppard's parents? That is to say, will we find out if they're dead or alive?"
Answer: We will.
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