(Please follow the link for the complete blog update. Photos are non-SGA, and there's a new video clip.)
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
**massive snippage**
Well, back home now and thought I'd address an issue that's been on my mind for the past couple of days. I'm not sure if any of you have noticed, but it would seem that the first two episodes of season four have made their way onto the internet. That, my friends, is what I would call a bad case scenario. But not a worst case scenario. No. You know what a worst case scenario would be? If Sci Fi sent out the first two episodes of the season in their press kits and mistakenly included rough cuts instead of finished episodes. Yeah, that would be the worst of both worlds. Not only would the episodes be available for the fans to screen well before the premiere, but they would be half-finished episodes with temp visual effects and devoid of music
and sound effects. Ho ho ho! Imagine if THAT happened? Anyway -
Today's pic: ROAD TRIP!!!
Today's video: Your long overdue Hewlett fix.¤t=Doesntwork.flv

Photo is a screencap from today's video clip.
Mailbag -
JedI writes: "Will we ever get to see Sheppard use the stick fighting skills he's acquired from Teyla, other then just sparring?"
Answer: Not this year.
So if there is a season 5 will we see it happen?"
Answer: Yes. Even though we haven't given any real thought to stories beyond the season four finale, we do know that we absolutely must do a "Sheppard uses his stick fighting skills" episode. To that end, I have both Carl and Alan working on this high-priority idea and hope to have the makings of a two-parter (if not three-parter) built around the concept a.s.a.p.
Mrs.B108 writes: "Will Ronon get to show more of himself than the warrior we all know?"
Answer: Yes. We'll be glimpsing a softer side to Ronon this season.
Dede writes: "1) Does Teyla or Ronon ever get the ancient gene? 2) Your take on Yorkies? 3)Rieslings - what kind if you like them?"
Answers: 1) Nope. 2) Love `em. 3) Like them but not enough to have a
Sable writes: "I was wondering why the people on the Atlantis expedition drink from bottled water when they are in a city that is floating in a whole ocean of water?"
Answer: Pegasus water has a funny taste.
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