(Please follow the link for the complete blog update. There are photos and a new video clip at the site.)
Friday, September 14, 2007
Even though my birthday is over a month away, Carl took me out last night for a very early birthday dinner. Why? Because Carl is a generous fellow and a very good friend - who no doubt has considered the possibility that I might keep him in Vancouver long after our wrap date in order to, uh, spin stories for next season and "Oh, yeah, since you're already in town" celebrate my special day.
Thanks go out to Carl for a memorable birthday dinner. I hope he enjoys his hiatus in Los Angeles…while Martin Gero and Alan McCullough are in Vancouver spinning stories for next season.
Fortified by my Hungarian feast, I came into work today prepared for any potential crisis. Alas, no crisis today (unless you count the fruit in the vanilla trifle served at lunch), but I did put out a couple of pink pages on Outcast (something for the Ronon-Sheppard scene, and something for Sheppard's scene with his ex-wife Karen),
approved the Comic Con promos, approved a This Mortal Coil final I-really-mean-it-final mix, and swung by set to see how our little (HUGE!) episode Trio is coming along. Unfortunately, I don't have much in the way of pics on this one because: 1) The tilting set is often inaccessible and difficult to negotiate, 2) Stage 2 is dark but so full of atmosphere that any pictures taken with a flash come out looking fog-screened, 3) Stage 2 is dark and any pictures taken without a flash come out, well, dark. The report on this one: David, Amanda, and Jewel are having waaay too much fun. This one will hold the record for Most In Between Takes Laughing.
Today's pics: My dinner with Carl.
Today's extra special video compliments of Atlantis stunt coordinator James "Bam Bam" Bamford who swung by my office today to offer up some of his behind-the-scenes fight/stunt rehearsalclips: Click for a video of Jason Momoa's first fight/stunt rehearsal - Ford vs. Ronon from season 2's Runner.

Photo from a screencap of today's video clip - Jason Momoa (Ronon) sparring with stunt double.
I've been a little overwhelmed of late so I've asked a friend to field today's mailbag for me -
Sherwood Forest Maiden write: "Why didn't Sheppard just shoot the Wraith through the head?"
Cookie Monster answer: "He be bad shot. Is why no ever see wraith head open up like overripe watermelon. And fan are poorer for it."
Mrs.B108 write: "1)Will Davos reveal more to Atlantis than we've already heard? 2)Does the "Kindred" refer to someone/people we already know?"
Cookie Monster answer: 1) Cookie Monster don't know what you already hear. If too much, den yes. If not enough, den no. 2) Neider. Kindred is little chocolate egg with toy inside.
Iamza write: "I know this is a longshot at best, but is there any chance you could slip a word in the ear of the MGM people letting them know there are a bunch of UK fans who would love to buy episodes from iTunes, but who can't as they aren't available on the UK iTunes site as yet?"
Cookie Monster answer: Oh boy, Cookie Monster know how Iamza feel. Sesame Street is same way. We still only on season 2 of Beverly Hillbillies.
Anonymous write: "i wanted to ask about the new season 4 intro is Rachel's name going to appear before or after Amanda's name?"
Answer: For fairness of everybody, all people's name appear at same time like dis:
"JPZGAQOYDRNXKESMWHLTCVBFUI" Find name of favorite inside! Is more fairer!
Keirberos write: "Whatever happened to the time-travelling Jumper that was found in the Milky Way?"
Answer: Is at Area51 in big create with healing devise, Sarkoff of Gus, and Nox.
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