(Please follow the link for the complete MASSIVE blog update. There are new photos at the site of Marty Gero, Alex Levine, Brad Wright, and Robert Cooper attending the screening of "The Ark of Truth." No video clip today.]

Photo of Brad Wright courtesy of Mr. Mallozzi's blog.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
WOW! There's nothing like Stargate on the BIG screen. Yesterday, the show's producers (minus Alan who was in Toronto and Carl who was in Los Angeles, both of him were, thus, subsequently fired) gathered at Sharpe Sound Studios in North Vancouver to watch the Ark of Truth mix. It took me about an hour to get there from my place and, by the time I rolled in, most everyone was there: Marty G., Alex Levine, Brad Wright, and Robert Cooper. Yep, almost everyone except my writing partner Paul who, interestingly enough, actually lives closer Sharpe than anyone else. Well, once he finally arrived, ten minutes after our agreed-upon meeting time, we were raring to go.
Today's pics: Yesterday at Sharpe Sound, Lulu stylin' despite the weather.
Today's video: None.
Today's mailbag is brough to you courtesy of special guest answerer Robert C. Cooper:
Anonymous #1 writes: "Who had the fun of throwing dirt at Jason?"
RCC: Joe Flannigan who normally would head back to his trailer when not needed off-camera, stuck around to eagerly support his fellow actor. I'm going to get in trouble for that, aren't I?
Promogirl writes: "I have to ask both to Joe and Robert, what was your favorite effect in this one? You certainly had several amazing ones to chose from."
RCC: The one I was most worried about turned out to be my second favorite and that is McKay being eaten by the whale. It's not all that realistic looking but then it's a giant alien killer whale in a nightmare after all and it sure looks cool. My favorite though is when Heightmeyer falls and we see it from her POV. Maybe I've missed it somewhere else but I don't think I've see that shot before. You always get the person waving and screaming.
Micky writes: "Can't wait for the movies!! Will there be any trailers for them to tease us with??"
RCC: There will be trailers for Ark emerging shortly. I believe Fox intends to put them on other DVD releases prior to March.
Jedi writes: "Great job on Doppelganger Rob. Question for you...a friend of mine caught it early on ITunes and said that JF played 4 different roles in the episode, is this true?"
RCC: If you real look closely, in fact, Joe Flannigan is not just playing himself in this episode but his evil twin in everybody's dreams as well as Teyla, Ronon, and the guy who hand's Telya an AGR at one point. That was a complicated shot believe me. Hey, seriously, are you a real Jedi?
Anonymous #6 writes: "Doppelganger was amazing. I can't wait to see the rest of this season if this is how it's beginning!!!! After an epidode airs do you or any of your co-workers check out popular fan sites to check out the reactions? Which sites do you visit?"
RCC: Only one. The blog of one Joe Mallozzi but to be honest, that's more to see what Joe has recently eaten. Oh yeah and sometimes Gateworld. I like to see what Darren's been eating too.
Alipeeps writes: "Actually - here's a question for Rob's Doppelganger Q&A: How did you film that scene where Ronon walked from an Atlantis corrdior into the forest?"
RCC: Mark Savela our brilliantly talented VFX supervisor sweated many buckets of bullets over this shot. And I owe a nod to Martin Wood who suggested the hand off. Basically what we did is shoot Jason both in the hall and then in the forest and blend the two shots seamlessly by adding a CG door/hallway to the top of the forest shot. The transition happens as we pan down to the door and Ronon is out of the frame for a mere blink of your eye.
Thank-you all for your positive thoughts. And thank-you to our gracious host for turning over his mailbag for the day. I must say, I hope everyone appreciates all the love, devotion and hard work Joe puts into his blog universe. I know I'm thankful because it keeps me from having to make conversation with Joe around the office. I already know everything that's happened to him … and so much more.
Robert Cooper
Posted by Joseph Mallozzi at 5:03 PM
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