(Please follow the link for the complete three-page article at VFX World.)
Refining VFX on Returning TV Series
Thomas J. McLean reports on vfx upgrades and improvements to Heroes, Smallville, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and Stargate Atlantis.
By Thomas J. McLean
[ Posted on October 31, 2007 ]
The section pertaining to Stargate Atlantis, season four:
Raising the bar on both the creative and technical sides of things is a major part of the season-to-season transition for Rainmaker's work on SCI FI Channel's popular Stargate Atlantis.
"We try to update not just the efficiency in actually creating the content, but also the creative content so each year you're pushing the boundaries not just for the quality of the end product, but also for our own entertainment purposes," says Debora Dunphy, digital effects supervisor and lead artist on the series. "It keeps us wanting to keep producing something that is of higher quality for us as artists, so we can be proud of our work."
Off-season tasks include going through models that are likely to be re-used in the upcoming season and optimizing them so they are easier to work with and look better.
That can have a big impact on a show where a fictional location is a key story element, says Justin Gladden, visual effects producer. "That's something that we're constantly trying to improve both the quality and the efficiency of, so we can do quicker set ups and see the model in its new environment."
There's an automated GIF to illustrate SFX from "Doppelganger," at the site, and a screencap to illustrate a scene from "Reunion."
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