Transcription of the MGM Stargate trailer for Quarantine and screenprints:
Amanda Tapping: “Hi, I’m Amanda Tapping from Stargate Atlantis. Be sure to watch this week’s episode, Quarantine.”

Rodney (to Shep): “I got this on my last trip to Earth. I feel that it‘s time that Katie and I move the relationship to the next level.” (in Rodney’s lab)

Katie (to Rodney): “You’re sweating.” (in Katie’s lab)

Rodney (to Katie): “Oh, am I? (Wipes forehead) I suppose I am. Uhm…I guess I should…just, uh (stammers)…jump right into this.” (in Katie’s lab)

In the infirmary, the infirmary doors close on Dr. Keller treating Ronon for what appears to be a wound on his right forearm. (Looks like she is suturing…)

Various scenes of doors closing in various parts of the base, including what may be the library, Katie’s lab, and Sam and Radek in an elevator.

Rodney (to Katie): “It’s locked! We‘re trapped” (in Katie’s lab)

In a lab, Shep walks up to Teyla at a computer terminal.
Teyla (to Shep): “It appears there has been another outbreak.”

In Katie’s lab, Katie asks Rodney, “Quarantine?”

Rodney (to Katie): “Atlantis’ self-protection against another outbreak. It‘s sealing off sections of the city to prevent spread of the disease.”

Keller (to Ronon?) in the infirmary (as Ronon is trying to physically open the doors): “The problem is without communications you can’t tell me how bad the outbreak is.”

In the elevator, Sam says to Radek: “Either this disease spreads more rapidly than anything I’ve encountered before or something…”

Radek (finishing Sam’s sentence): “…is wrong. Look at the levels.”

Back at the infirmary, Keller says to Ronon: “There’s a disease outbreak. And…I’m a doctor, stuck in this room…”

Ronon interrupts: “That’s right…stuck.”

Ronon, in Katie’s lab: “I feel…(gasps) a little dizzy…(breathing rapidly) a little feverish.”

Keller (to Ronon, while Ronon is laying on an infirmary bed, and Keller is treating Ronon’s wounded forearm): “We could pass the time by getting to know each other better.”

Outside Atlantis, John is falling as he is climbing up an outside wall.

Back in the infirmary, a missile of some type (torpedo? Compressed gas tank?) comes flying through the infirmary wall, and passes right by Ronon and Keller taking cover by an infirmary wall.

Back outside Atlantis, clip of Shep climbing up the outside wall.

Stargate Atlantis title card.

Announcer Voice Over: “Stargate Atlantis. Watch it live, Fridays at 10, 9 central on SciFi.”
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