Stargate Planet has a new interview with Colin Cunningham: (in English)
Colin discusses his new endeavors, Centrigrade and JPod, and working on SG1, including the new SG1 movie, Continuum.

A brief excerpt: Your name appears on the cast list for the made for DVD movie "Stargate:Continuum". How was it to be back at the Stargate set and what can you tell us about filming your scenes? Any funny stories? Pranks?
CC: It was an absolute blast. Martin Wood was actually helping me put together my own project at the time, 'Centigrade'. He was kind of mentoring me through the process of directing. And so, when he called and said that he and John Smith has a little something for me, if I was willing to help them out, it was a no brainer. I owe many people over at Stargate a lot. I truly do. Deluise, Martin Wood, John Smith, Michael Greenburg, Brad Wright, all those guys. And when I needed help, they were there.
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