From Entertainment Weekly:,,20181731_20,00.html
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#21 is: MACGYVER (Richard Dean Anderson)

My first and truest love. I can even get past the mullet. Smart, adventurous, ethical, loyal, nerdtastic. Rowr! — Heather
# 16 is:,,20181731_15,00.html
KAYLEE FRYE (Jewel Staite)

I've always liked tomboys. She knows how to fix mechanical things, always a plus (and I'm just not in the mood to start learning now). And they kept making her the ''ugly'' girl or whatnot, where no guy seems to want her, always checking out the companion or first mate. So if all the other guys in the universe are going to be idiots, I'll be all that much more special to her. — Green Gummi Bear
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