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Ark Angel - The Ark of Truth, Part 5
Director of Photography Peter Woeste (with the camera), Currie Graham (James Marrick), Ben Browder (Cameron Mitchell), Amanda Tapping (Sam Carter), and Stunt Coordinator Dan Shea.

April 1, 2008 (General)
For the final part of our series on Stargate SG-1’s debut straight-to-DVD feature, director of photography Peter Woeste joins Robert Cooper to take viewers behind the scenes on Ark of Truth.

A brief excerpt:
Although Ark of Truth and Continuum, the second of Stargate SG-1’s feature-length adventures, were very definitely separate entities, they were produced very closely together throughout 2007. The writers and directors of both films were different (though naturally, the productions were as collaborative as any Stargate episode has ever been), but Peter Woeste was one person that worked directly on both. As director of photography, Woeste was charged with creating the directors’ unique visions in camera. Director Robert Cooper and Woeste had worked together before, and this familiarity would prove invaluable in bringing Ark of Truth to the screen, particularly given its tight shooting and post-production schedule.
“It was extremely difficult because when we started this project, the first shooting we did was actually for Continuum, in the Arctic,” Woeste reveals. “The Arctic shoot had to be coordinated with the military, so we did all of that first and it was after that that I had time to really sit down and prepare the shows properly. What I attempted to do was prepare them both simultaneously, because I think there was just four to five days between the two production schedules, before we segued into Continuum.”
Woeste also had a hand in the decision that Ark of Truth should be shot on 35mm film rather than on video. “I said, ‘Guys, I think we should reconsider the format that we’re shooting in.’ I had built up this case and I had reams of research papers and documents and an outline,” Woeste says, chuckling at the memory of the struggle he was expecting. “But when I walked into the office and started talking about it, I don’t think I got beyond item number two when Coop (Robert Cooper) was already on board!”
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