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April 29, 2008: On the set of Whispers
Maj. Anne Teldy (Christina Cox) gunning for trouble

Don't mess with Capt. Alicia Vega (Leela Savasta)

Sgt. 'Dusty' Mehra (Janina Gavankar) spoiling for a firefight

Dr. Alison Porter (Nicole de Boer) ready to shoot something

A Captive Dr. Carson Beckett (Paul McGillion)

Despite the early call, it was another late night on Whispers. The morning got off to a rocky start when the treadmill needed for our first scene up failed to show. While someone from Set Dec was dispatched to track down the errant piece of exercise equipment, Will skipped ahead and shot scene 49 instead. I have to say, it’s been a real pleasure having Paul McGillion on set. He has gone all out, sacrificing life, limb, and a little dignity for the sake of this episode. Despite being battered and bruised, he is always upbeat, concluding his day on set by taking the time to thank the rest of the cast and crew before heading home. A class act.
At this point, the schedule looks something like this: First Contact and The Lost Tribe are the mid-season two-parter, episodes 9 and 10. After that, things get a little wonky. We have Alan McCullough’s location episode (q.v. yesterday‘s David Hassel Hoffan entry), Alex Levine’s Inquisition (in which Atlantis is finally made to answer for past transgressions), Carl Binder’s latest (the beat sheet arrived on my desk late this afternoon and I’m going to try to read it tomorrow morning), the Martin Gero “written and directed by spectacular“, my “a very special Stargate Atlantis” which quite possibly may see the return of the lovely Kari Wuhrer [Shep's ex-wife], CSI: Atlantis which will be helmed by Robert C. Cooper, and that season finale I was talking about. Which leaves one mystery slot.
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