(Please follow the link above for the full-sized, higher-resolution version of the stills.)
Cameron Mitchell (Ben Browder), Samantha Carter (Amanda Tapping), Daniel Jackson (Michael Shanks)

Qetesh/Vala (Claudia Black)

Jack O'Neill (Richard Dean Anderson) and Sam Carter

The Goa'uld -- [EDIT: Apr 29 '08 - GateWorld has identified this Goa'uld as Ra (Jay Williams)], Camulus (Steve Bacic), Lord Yu (Vincent Crestejo), Cronus (Ron Halder), Nirrti (Jacqueline Samuda), Ba'al (Cliff Simon), Qetesh/Vala and Teal'c (Christopher Judge) and various assorted Jaffa.

Stargate: Continuum will be released on DVD and Blu-Ray on July 29, 2008.
From a MGM press release:
"While SG-1 attends the execution of Baal, the last of the Goa'uld System Lords, Teal'c and Vala inexplicably disappear into thin air. Carter, Daniel and Mitchell race back to a world where history has been changed: the Stargate program has been erased from the timeline. As they try to convince the authorities what's happened, a fleet of Goa'uld motherships arrives in orbit, led by Baal, his queen, Katesh (Vala), and his first prime, Teal'c. SG-1 must find the Stargate and set things right before the world is enslaved by the Goa'uld."
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