(Please follow the link for the complete interviews.)
May 19, 2008
It's a whole new season of strange for the cast of Eureka

By Ian Spelling
It's one of the coolest, quirkiest and most inventive shows on television. And, unlike most shows on the air, it's actually growing in popularity. It is Eureka, the SCI FI Channel series that follows the residents of the show's title town, a mysterious, off-the-map place that's home to some of the world's most brilliant scientists ... and a regular-Joe sheriff trying to keep everyone—the locals, the outsiders and, in fact, the whole world—safe. Production on season three of Eureka is underway, with new episodes set to debut on July 29.
SCI FI Weekly recently caught up with stars Colin Ferguson, Salli Richardson-Whitfield, Joe Morton, Jordan Hinson and Erica Cerra, who took the time to discuss the show's success, its future, and what they hope to see for their respective characters.

Colin Ferguson, how would you say the show has built from season to season?
Ferguson: Going back to season one, I loved season one. Season one was scary because we didn't know if it was going to work. Part of it was funny and part of it was dramatic, and we were making it, really, in this sort of void. So when it hit, it was great. And then season two we just tried build on it. I think for season three what we're going to try to do is to really broaden things out. There are some characters that are leaving. There are some others that are coming in. So it's going to be really sort of tumultuous, and at the same time we'll continue with a lot of the arcs that we did for my character, anyway. We'll continue with my daughter and grow in that direction.

Salli Richardson-Whitfield, what would you like to see this coming year, in general and for Allison?
Richardson-Whitfield: I think I would like to see a little more with Carter again. I think we got away from each other. I'd like to see a little more dirt, just getting her hands a little dirty and see how far we can go with that.

Jordan Hinson, what are you eager to see for Zoe as you head into the new season?
Hinson: I think Zoe is going to get a job, which is really cool because it's kind of a new maturity level for her. So I'm really excited about.

Joe Morton, what would you like to see on Eureka as you approach year three?
Morton: There's always something we haven't done. The first year was sort of very light and kind of quirky. The second year we were darker. So I suppose for the third year ... You know, what I'd like to see is, I guess, more true science fiction that deals with what's going on. There's a Tesla automobile that I would love to have come on the show, for one of us to drive. The greening of America seems to be a big deal this year, so maybe that's something we can involve in terms of what Eureka does and what it tries to contribute to the rest of the world. Certainly there's an election going on, which maybe we could have something to do with. There are all kinds of global problems, economic problems, all these kinds of things. It would be interesting from a scientific point of view to use our show as a metaphor for what's going on, I suppose, in this country and the rest of the world.

Erica Cerra, Eureka, in many ways, came out of nowhere to become one of the SCI FI Channel's most popular shows. Did the show's hit status come out of the blue for you, or did you anticipate it?
Cerra: I'm thrilled, and I think it's wonderful. It's one of those things, and I keep saying this, where when I first saw the script I really enjoyed it myself. I thought, "It's going to be a good show and it's going to be a keeper." I can't say I'm too surprised, but I'm thrilled all at the same time.
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