(Please follow the link for the complete blog update. NEW Stargate Atlantis season five photos of Jason Momoa in their full-size, high-resolution format at the link above.)
May 28, 2008: Major Retailer Recalls Combustible Underpants!

This is your chance to take home a piece of Stargate Atlantis history! And by take home I mean buy. And by Stargate Atlantis I mean Jason Momoa. And by history I mean the couch set he's selling. "Hey, Mallozzi!"he called as I was making my way across the lot. "Get a couple of shots of this for your blog!" I was, of course, more than happy to oblige. And by happy I mean not at all inclined to having the six foot four bruiser annoyed with me. And by oblige I mean snap pics of him in various manner of recline and, in one memorable instant, doing his best Tom Cruise imitation.

Speaking of Jason, the dreaded one gives what is by far his best performance of the series in season five's Broken Ties. It's an episode he is extremely proud of, and justifiably so. We watched the Day One mix the other day and were very, very impressed - not only with Jason's tour-de-force, but with Joel Goldsmith's terrific score.

Another praiseworthy performance comes compliments of Rachel Luttrell in The Queen. A really nice range of emotions for Teyla in an episode chock full o' crosses, double-crosses, and an atypically ruthless turn for the new mom. Throw in Todd, an intriguing proposal, and that creepy new-look wraith and you've got one of the best episodes of the front half.

Along with Tracker, of course. We screened Will's director's cut this morning and, boy, this one is a lot of fun. McKay and Ronon team up, Keller kicks ass, and guest star Mike Dopud squares off with Jason in a particularly memorable throw-down.
Well, after receiving some thoughts from the other writers, I'm off and running on Remnants. I hit the 12-page mark today and hope to make some progress this weekend - at least until I hit the top of the third act where one of those blasted TBD place-holder beats awaits. Nevertheless, I hope to have a first draft done before we head off for hiatus (in two weeks) which would allow me to spend my July researching alternate SF sources and focusing on other pursuits. And by researching alternate SF sources I mean read more books.
And by other pursuits I mean sleeping in.
Today's pics: Everything must go! And by everything, I mean these couches. Also, Carl enjoys a post-four episode screening breather.
McWraith writes: "Is Chuck still around?"
Answer: Yep.
Jenn writes: "In S4 we got to see some lovely vulnerable and emotional moments for Shep (i.e. Adrift/Lifeline, Outcast), will we get to see some vulnerable Shep moments in S5 as well?"
Answer: Yes.
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