(Please follow the link for the complete article. Photos at the site.)
On The Set Of Stargate: Atlantis In Vancouver - More Impossible Pics!

Monday, May 19
by Captain
After our first day on The Daedalus set of Stargate:Atlantis to chat with the stars of the show and to talk to creator Brad Wright and star Ben Browder about Stargate:Continuum, it comes as a bit of a shock that the next day was even better - walking into the gate room of Atlantis Base was something of a Sci Fi fan's dream - but it's not just the context of being there - it's the sheer physicality. It's a massive set.
More info to come on who we spoke to and just what went down - and what's to come in the Stargate universe (ahem) soon. In the meantime, here's some more up close and touchable photos from the iconic set.
From what the cast and crew have said, (and what we saw at the one and only screening of Contniuum) It looks like the wait for the release Season 4 Atlantis and Continuum in a few months will be worth it.
As will Season 5!
Scoops to come - including one about Teyla, and what kind of preparations are going into the 100th episode of Atlantis.
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