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On Board The Daedalus - Sci Fi Pi Visits The Set Of Stargate: Atlantis
Friday, May 16
by Captain
Ben Browder holds court from the Captain's Chair.

One of the coolest things about getting to go on set of a major Sci Fi show is sharing it with SCI FI fans.
With our visit on board The Daedalus, we could get right up close and see the kind of detail that you never get to see on air, the kind of 'behind the scenes' details that really define the show, but is never really revealed through transmission.
The first thing you notice about The Daedalus set of Stargate SG-1 and Stargate: Atlantis is that as a space ship, it hasn't been created to look that futuristic - obviously, it's made to look like it was built in the present time, and shares a great deal of the surprisingly analogue technology that you'd find in any state of the art aircraft carrier. The buttons are switches, they aren't just glass panels, there's plumbing fittings and there's more than just a passing nod to the warning labels and signs that you see in the modern US. Navy.
Obviously, however, there are some differences. As you'd expect with Asgard technology!
Things like view screens are in fact that - modern LCDs that work, not just pictograms. The perspex 'map/star chart' boards are exactly as they are on film.
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