(Please follow the link to download the audio interview and/or read the transcript at GateWorld.)
GateWorld talks with Alan McCullough

Photo courtesy of GateWorld
He's been working on and off with Stargate since the ninth season of SG-1. Now, in his second year as a full-time staff member, Co-producer and writer Alan McCullough catches up with GateWorld for what is not turning out to be a sophomore slump, but the opposite!
McCullough has written several SG-1 episodes including "Prototype," "Stronghold" and "Insiders." Last season of Atlantis he was responsible for "Tabula Rasa" and "The Seer," among others. Now in Season Five, he tells GateWorld about his latest scripts and some of the others he is seeing come down the pike.
Our interview with Alan runs 20 minutes. You may listen at your leisure, download to your MP3 player, or read the transcript [at the link above]!
A brief excerpt:
GW: We're just a few weeks starting into production of Season Five. Any early thoughts?
AM: It's great! We've got a whole new batch of stories. It always amazes me that we can come up with new material after so many seasons of Stargate SG-1 and then Stargate Atlantis. There's some really exciting stories coming up.
Season Four introduced new characters, and challenges for old ones. We had a really strong season in Season Four. Season Four was my first season so I was thinking, "Oh, maybe sophomore slump." And it was also Joe [Mallozzi] and Paul's [Mullie] first season as show runners. I had some concerns at the beginning that we were going to get into a sophomore slump. But the cuts we've seen so far are fantastic.
The two-parter, the first part of the two-parter that Martin [Gero] just wrote this week is amazing. It's going to be an incredible teaser for the second part. There's some great stories in between as well. We're wrapping up some storylines and opening up new ones.
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