(Please follow the link for the complete blog update and to view the new photos from SGA season five production in their original full-size, high-resolution format.)

Setting up the first shot
July 22, 2008: Remnants Day #1
Martin Gero was stumped. The Art Department needed a name for the venue in Brain Storm. You know, the one where Tunney gives his big speech and demonstration. “So what do I call it?” he asked the room.
Before anyone else could even consider the possibilities, Paul already had the answer: “The Carl Binder Memorial Theatre”. Brilliant! Word went out to the Art Department and, three hours later, the plans for the Carl Binder Memorial Theatre were distributed.

...I headed back down to the FX Stage where Will Waring and the gang were shooting Day One of Remnants. Will had phoned me up last night to inquire about Dr. Conrad’s patch. “She has a slight accent,” he said. “I think it’s either Australian or New Zealand.”

Aussie fans take note.
Great! Val had both patches at the ready this morning and, after checking with guest star Anna Galvin (whose name will ring a bell with many SG-1 fans), Aussie won out over Newzie (incidentally, Fondy tried to convince me that people from New Zealand are referred to as Kiwi’s, not Newzies, but I knew she was pulling my leg).

Actress Tamlyn Tomita (aka I.O.A. rep Shen Xiaoyi)
...On deck tomorrow - Remnants, Day #2: The McKay-Zelenka Show.

Shen Xiaoyi about to go toe-to-toe.
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