The Sentinel - mini-marathon - starring: Richard Burgi, Garett Maggart and Bruce A. Young.

08:00A ATTRACTION - guest stars include: Ingrid Torrance
09:00A VOW OF SILENCE - guest stars include: John Pleshette and Frank C. Turner
10:00A FLIGHT - guest stars include: Kendall Cross and Megan Leitch
11:00A OUT OF THE PAST - guest stars include: JR Bourne and Mitchell Kosterman
1:00P REUNION - guest stars include: Gary Chalk and Jason Gray-Stanford
2:00P PAYBACK - guest stars include: Marilyn Norry, Barry Pepper, Leon Russom, Warren Takeuchi and Jerry Wasserman
3:00P TRUE CRIME - guest stars include: Colin Lawrence, Elizabeth Mitchell, Kavan Smith, John Tench and Andrew Wheeler
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