UK TV Programme Highlights For August 12th
* Stargate Continuum
History may never repeat itself again
Stargate Continuum, showing Tuesday August 12th on Sky One at 8:00pm
This programme has been rated 4 stars (4 Star)
(Production Year: 2008) (USA / Canada)
While SG-1 attends the execution of Ba'al - the last of the goa'uld system lords - Teal'c and Vala inexplicably disappear into thin air.
Carter (Amanda Tapping), Daniel (Michael Shanks) and Mitchell (Ben Browder) race back to a world where history has been changed: the Stargate program has been erased from the timeline.
As they try to convince the authorities what's happened, a fleet of goa'uld motherships arrive in orbit, led by Ba'al, his queen, Qetesh (Vala) and his first prime, Teal'c.
SG-1 must find the Stargate and set things right before the world is enslaved by the goa'uld.
Did you know? The film is dedicated to the memory of Paul McCann, 32, and Anthony Huntrod, 20, of the HMS Tireless, who died in an accident during the filming of the arctic scenes.

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