(Please follow the link for the complete Media Blvd. Magazine interview.)

Twilight leads Robert Pattinson and Rachelle Lefevre
Tuesday, 12 August 2008
By Christina Radish
Since its publication in 2005, Twilight, the best-selling first novel in the romantic saga of mortal girl Bella Swan and vampire Edward Cullen, has become a cultural phenomenon, catapulting 35-year-old Stephenie Meyer to a level that most authors can only ever dream of. With a dedicated fan base of all ages, sexes and races, eager to see the much-beloved story brought to the big screen, the highly anticipated film version of the tale will come to life on December 12, directed by Catherine Hardwicke, and starring Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, in the lead roles.
Taking time out from their scheduled appearance at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, two of the film’s stars, 22-year-old Brit Robert Pattinson (best known for playing Cedric in the Harry Potter films) and 29-year-old redhead Rachelle Lefevre (who plays evil vamp Victoria), spoke to MediaBlvd Magazine about playing vampires already beloved by legions of fans, doing wire work, and how best to approach kissing scenes.
MediaBlvd Magazine> For those who are unfamiliar with the book, can you give a brief description of each of your characters?
Rachelle Lefevre> I play Victoria, who is an evil, nomadic vampire, and the mate of James (Cam Gigandet). About the middle of the movie, the two of us, together with Laurent (Edi Gathegi), discover Edward and Bella, and James becomes obsessed with Bella. As his mate, I make it my mission to track them and, as a result, we make their lives, which are already difficult, pretty much a living hell, for the rest of the film.
Robert Pattinson> My character is Edward Cullen, and he’s a semi-reluctant vampire, who doesn’t really know why he even exists. He’s 108 years old, maybe 109. He’s stuck in the body of a 17-year-old school kid, pretending to be a human. He’s always thinking, “I either want to die, or become a human because just being a vampire is so utterly pointless.” And then, he finds this mortal girl, Bella, and initially wants to devour her, but it turns into an all-consuming love for her. It’s just very difficult for a vampire to be in love with someone he wants to eat, all the time. The story is about the problems, the trials and the tribulations which occur when a vampire falls in love with a normal girl that he wants to kill.
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