(Please follow the link for the complete interview excerpt.)

Stargate Magazine Exclusive!
October 21, 2008 (Products)
One Jaffa. One Staff. One eyebrow. One Teal’c. Chris Judge on the role he made his own, and his angelic future, indeed.
... Last season, you visited Stargate: Atlantis in Midway – were you aware viewers had been demanding a Teal’c versus Ronon showdown?
CJ: "There were jokes about it when we were on the set, and when I would go up to the producers’ offices. I thought they were joking and just trying to stir the pot between Jason Momoa and I. When I found out that this was a great fan interest, they said, “Maybe we’ll do an episode about it one day.” I was like, “Yeah, right!” And sure enough… I think it was Executive Producer Joe Mallozzi who called me and asked if I was busy. It was a lot of fun. Momoa is like a brother to me and is just a great kid. It really showed me how old I am!"
Read the full interview in issue 25 of Stargate SG1/Atlantis: The Official Magazine on newsstands October 21. Click here to subscribe today!
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