(Please follow the link for the complete blog update. Photos of the SGU staff at the stie.)

November 11, 2008: Spinning Stargate: Universe - Day One
We were all back in the office today, spinning stories for season one of Stargate: Universe. In attendance: creators Brad Wright and Robert Cooper, Carl Binder, Martin Gero, Alan McCullough, Paul Mullie, and myself. The first order of business was, of course, catching each other up on what we've been up to since last we met. I can't help but think that if everyone on staff blogged as well, we'd be able to access all of this information before going into the office and could thereby dispense with the niceties of social interaction and get right to work. Easier said than done however. Paul's Commodore 64 is not internet-capable and don't get me started on Carl's IBM Selectric, the Queen of electric typewriters.
Our second order of business was providing notes for episode #1. Brad and Rob did a terrific job of kicking things off in thrilling fashion. The script is fast-paced and fun; its characters unique and engaging. My favorite: Dr. David Rush. Oh, he's going to be a handful. Originally planned as a two-parter, Brad and Robert quickly discovered that there was simply too much story for such a tight frame, so the series opener is now looking like a three-parter.
In addition to that first script, Brad and Rob provided us with a beat sheet and springboards for several more stories. Brad has laid claim to #4, a story that is right up his alley. Speaking of perfect pairings, I couldn't think of anyone better than Carl Binder to write #5. Rob is eyeing #6 which offers a most intriguingly SF door in, while #7 and #8 have yet to be claimed.
As I mentioned in a previous entry, Stargate: Universe is a series that draws on established mythology yet blazes a bold, new path for the franchise. It's definitely more character-centered and intimate in
its exploration of the interpersonal dynamics that will drive a lot of the shipboard developments (and, no, I'm not talking about romance). The premise of this ship hurtling through uncharted territories offers up unbounded story possibilities, yet also forces us to adopt a very different approach toward alien encounters and planetary investigation. Twin themes mentioned over the course of today's conversations: survival and sacrifice.
Prep-production is progressing nicely. Rob showed me about eight different designs for the Destiny. According to him, they're getting close. No casting news to convey but some interesting names are being bandied about. The search continues. Finally, another element I'm loving is the SGU version of the SG-1/Atlantis MALP (Mobile Analytic Laboratory Probe). Very cool.
Tomorrow, we discuss Brad's first story following the big three-part opener, establish some of the big picture storylines and arcs we'd like to pursue over the course of the show's first 20 episodes, and then start breaking Carl's story...
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