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The dumbest TV moves of 2008: What are your picks?
Dec 5, 2008, 06:18 PM | by Dan Snierson
The distance from the Earth to the sun is approximately 93 million miles. Pi equals 3.14159265358979323.... Oh, sorry--we didn't see you there. We were just sitting around, you know, being smart. Which happens to be a big topic of this week's EW. We've put our brains together and come up with a very provocative list: Three Dumbest TV Moves of 2008. Our picks: The decision to let the five reality-host nominees emcee the 60th Annual Emmy Awards. To hold series back after the writers' strike. And, yes, to keep revamping Knight Rider.
So now it's time for you to weigh in, PopWatchers. Do you agree with these choices? If not, what are your nominations for excellence in stupidity? Remember, there are no stupid responses. Just stupid people who don't respond to questions we ask.

[Cancelling Stargate Atlantis the same year it won a Peoples Choice Award for Best SciFi TV Show and is earning higher ratings than the previous year is HIGH on MY list of dumb moves in 2008! - Morjana]
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