(Please follow the link for the complete blog update. Video embedded at the link above.)

January 4, 2009: A Guest Blogger Announcement and the Most Horrific Weird Food Purchase of the Day Yet!
Allow me to start off today's entry with some exciting news - before, of course, seguing right back into the tedious offerings that typify this blog. Executive Producer/Writer/Co-Creator Robert Cooper has agreed to come by an field your questions about his piece de resistance, his chef d'oeuvre, his hors d'oeuvre and Atlantis swansong: Vegas. Yep, gather up all your queries regarding alternate universe theory and nippleless wraith and start posting because, very soon, ALL WILL BE REVEALED!
Today, besides working out and eating right, I watched some playoff football, shoveled snow/ice, worked on my SGU script, and had a conversation with Paul about the new look writing department. With regard to the latter - bittersweet developments abound. More on this
in the coming days.
... Check out today's Weird Food Purchase of the Day video after the mailbag. This one still gives me nightmares.
Specter177 writes: "This alternate reality was not one that we had seen before, correct?"
Joe Mallozzi Answers: That is correct.
... 2cats writes: "1) Was this McKay the same as Alt-Mckay in McKay & Mrs, Miller? There is some chatter in the ether about this."
Joe Mallozzi Answers: Not sure why there would be. There was never any indication that, out of the myriad alternate universes out there, we landed in that particular one especially since this version of Rodney was nothing like Rod.
... Josie writes: "I think another poster wondered if you could persuade Rob Cooper to do a Vegas Q&A, I know he's a busy man, especially with SGU prep in full swing, and its a long shot but there's no harm in asking right Joe?"
Joe Mallozzi Answers: As it turns out, no. This time!
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