(Please follow the link for the complete blog update and to view the NEW video clip -- a behind-the-scenes clip from 'Enemy at the Gate.')

January 11, 2009: The 4 Best Stargate: Atlantis Episodes I Never Got to Write
Over the course of the series run, many an idea gets pitched out that never ends up seeing the soft blue light of a laptop screen. For whatever reason (production concerns, similarity to other stories, a failure to excite the other writers, the fact that your idea is shite,
etc.), that seemingly golden notion that got you all excited when it first popped into your head while shampooing that morning languishes and dies in the writers' room. Looking back, I've had more than my fair share of such pitches, story ideas I figured would be home runs that ended up being pop flies. The following are The Top 3 Atlantis Episodes I Never Got to Write…
... Thanks to everyone who weighed in with their happy Atlantis memories. Tomorrow is the deadline to get in those questions for Paul Mullie. Tomorrow also marks the beginning of discussion of On Basilisk Station. Let's hear your thoughts and start posting your questions for author David Weber who will be paying us a little visit.
Finally, check out the run-through of Atlantis's final scene (video embedded at the link above).
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