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Robert C. Cooper and Carl Binder - is this the interior of the Destiny from Stargate: Universe?
January 18, 2009: Series Creator/Showrunner/Executive Producer/Writer/Director/Duck Smoker Robert C. Cooper Answers Your Questions
RC: Wow. So many questions. Sorry I don't have time to answer all of them. I really appreciate how thoughtful many of you have been about the episode. It takes so much time and energy to see a show through to completion. Sometimes, when it's over, it really doesn't seem worth all the work because most people watch it in an hour and then forget it. Thanks to all of you who made it feel worthwhile. Many of you had similar questions so forgive me if I only answer them once.
Lee writes: "Questions for Mr. Robert Cooper; writer and director extraordinaire of Vegas … First, I absolutely loved this episode! It was off the charts great, stupendous, amazingly wonderful and so unexpectedly different, that those who loved it, will love it forever, those who don't, will never be able to appreciate it's is exceptional, revealing wisdom. Now to the Q's:
How are you so awesome?
What is the most difficult aspect of shooting Vegas in Vegas?
What editing choices resulted in changing look and feel of the story?
Did Joel Goldsmith help with the choosing of the songs used in this episode or did you have them chosen before filming began?
Did you have to pay for the use of the songs in this episode?
Finally, I was wondering if there are any plans to use similar scripting, filming methods and popular music choices in the making of SGU?"
RC: My parents deserve a lot of credit for any awesomeness I might possess.
The most difficult aspect of shooting in Vegas was, as always, a lack of money. Sorry, but that's what it usually comes down to. We went way over budget on this episode but it's never enough. Money equals time. We had two days to shoot something that we needed much more time to do properly. We had a crew most of us had never worked with that had to be flown in from LA. Getting a casino property to agree to let us do what we wanted was a challenge as well. Planet Hollywood made it all possible. We did have one big mishap where one of the camera crews forgot to reload film before the big stunt. — the one where the Wraith jumps from the roof. We didn't know until after the footage came back and it was too late. We pieced it together from the angles we got but the hero angle I really wanted is missing.
I chose the songs asking many people their opinions along the way. Yes, we paid for them. Another significant budget overage. I have to credit Charlie Cohen Executive VP of MGM for wanting to make the end of season five as special as it could be. Joel Goldsmith was very excited about stepping outside the box for an episode. His music is brilliant as usual. He wrote everything except the three songs we bought. Vegas was an experiment in many ways. It was an opportunity to break the mold and try something different. Universe will not follow the style of Vegas but it will most definitely be much different than previous Stargate series. The shooting style and use of more contemporary music are part of what will hopefully make Universe stand out.
Many more questions -- and answers -- at the link above!
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