The holiday season is over, the decorations have come down, and a long winter lies ahead. It’s well and truly the time to hit wind-down mode, so it’s a good thing that 2009 heralds the return of some of the biggest and best shows television has to offer.
With Heroes, Smallville, Supernatural, Stargate: Atlantis and the CSI franchise back on air, we’re offering special subscription offers for a limited period only to the official magazine companions to these sensational shows!
Check out this newsletter to take advantage and save 20% off the newsstand prices. Plus, find out what the magazines have to offer in the coming months, and check out exclusive extracts from each one!

Coming up - ISSUE # 27:
* Showrunners Joe Mallozzi and Paul Mullie on Stargate: Atlantis season five and the show’s final episode.

* Amanda Tapping interview: What's next for Sam Carter?
* Stargate: Atlantis production design art gallery.
* An interview with Stargate: Atlantis villain (and Bond baddie) Robert Davi.
* Stargate Universe revealed – meet the new cast and get FX secrets from visual effects supervisor Mark Savela.
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Stargate Magazine issue #26 is on sale now. Click here to check out an extract from an interview with actor David Hewlett (Rodney McKay).
An exclusive extract from an interview with David Hewlett (Rodney McKay), featuring in issue #26 of Stargate Magazine…
A brief excerpt of the extract:

Stargate Magazine: Let’s talk about The Shrine. What an amazing episode!
David Hewlett: It’s really good. It was obviously a very McKay-centric script, as I think they all should be! Having said that, Brad Wright is great at writing for everybody, all his scripts have really nice moments – I think the Ronon moment was really nice. There were some really good opportunities for the rest of the cast to get in on that whole losing McKay thing, which you would think would be a happy thing! Other than the video footage stuff, I didn’t have much to say. Poor Keller ended up doing all the exposition.
Read the full interview in Stargate Magazine #26
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