(Please follow the link for the complete interview.)

Interview: Jeffrey Donovan Talks Burn Notice
By Steve West
Jeffrey Donovan is the perfect guy as Michael Westen. Charming, capable, good hearted, and a bad ass. He’s the guy every other guy wants to be friends with, and most girls wish their guy could be. Hell, most guys are OK with their girl fawning all over this man. I mean, he made an X-ray machine in the trunk of a car. That has to put a person on some level of awesome beyond mortal man.
Jeffrey Donovan himself is just as charming as his fictional counterpart, and he’s gracious to boot. The success of Burn Notice hasn’t gone to his head. He realizes what a great opportunity it is, and as you can tell from the roundtable interview below he appreciates it all. Read on to hear Donovan talk about the season 2 finale of Burn Notice, as well as what we might expect as the show continues on.
A brief excerpt:
You’re headed to season 3, you’ve renegotiated your contract; did you ever expect that Burn Notice was going to become the success it has?
Jeffrey: You know, I don’t think anyone goes into projects thinking they’ll fail. I think we all believe that what we’re doing is going to be good. But more specifically with me and that mix we sat down and very pointedly said to each other we’re going to make a TV show that we would watch, that we would be interested in, not the networks, not the fans, not anybody, just us. What would we want to do because we have to do this for seven years; and that was the pilot.
And that it was received so well critically and that the fans, you know, started seeing us a couple million and has grown to over five million is just - it’s just icing on the cake of what we started with at the beginning which was pursue something you believe in with your entire heart in your craft and want to do that and only that and don’t you feed to well we’ll milk it down, we’ll water it down. Make what you want and see if it sticks.
And USA was so gracious to give us that room and let it grow and it’s been growing ever since.
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