(Please follow the link for the complete interview.)

Friday the 13th's Jared Padalecki: Not a D-bag
By Patrick Lee
ON 02/05/09
Jared Padalecki, who plays a new character named Clay in the upcoming reboot of Friday the 13th, told reporters that he's happy to play practically the only male character who's neither a hockey-masked serial killer nor a douchebag.
"I like to think that it was just me not being a douchebag, yeah," Padalecki said with tongue in cheek in a group interview in Beverly Hills, Calif., over the weekend. "No, it was nice. ... I've been the kind of douchy character, so it was nice to have a little vacation from it."
Padalecki plays a man who searches for his sister, Whitney (Amanda Righetti), in the small town of Crystal Lake. Whitney went camping with some friends six weeks earlier and hasn't been seen or heard from since. Padalecki finds himself on the run from the resident psycho who lives in the woods: Jason Voorhees, played by Derek Mears.
Following is an edited version of our interview with Padalecki, who was charming, self-effacing and cheerful despite our rude questions. Friday the 13th opens Feb. 13.
A brief excerpt:
We were on set watching you get your face smashed into the bus glass. Was that you?
Padalecki: Yeah. Do you know that really cut me up?
Padalecki: It was my forehead. That was actually funny, because they were doing that head-through-the-bus-window thing, and I was, like, how is this staying? And they're like, "Well, there's ... an inch of clear plastic or whatever [underneath]. ... So make sure you don't hit it." I was like, "OK." And so we kind of did it, and I hit it, and ... I knew my face was going to smash the glass. It was candy glass or whatever. Everybody did it before me to appease me and ease my concerns. But then we did it, and I was like, "I think [touches his forehead for blood] ... " And ... they ... looked at me. I had fake blood all over me anyway, and they're like, "No, no, no, you're good." And I was like, "You're sure? ... OK, whatever." And sure enough, we go back and wash, and I have like a little gash on my forehead. Yeah. So I cried and, you know, I sued, I sued for a sequel. Saturday the 14th? Comes out next year. [laughs]
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