SANCTUARY - Season Two Marathon and Season Finale!
10:00A END OF NIGHTS - PART I - Guest stars include Jonathon Young as Nicholas Tesla
11:00A END OF NIGHTS - PART II - Guest stars include Jonathon Young as Nicholas Tesla

Amanda Tapping as Helen Magnus and Agam Darshi as Kate Freelander

Robin Dunne as Will Zimmerman and Amanda Tapping
1:00P HERO - Guest stars include Eureka's Chris Gauthier
3:00P FRAGMENTS - Guest stars include Stargate SG-1's Colin Cunningham

Agam Darshi, Ryan Robbins as Henry Foss, Amanda Tapping and Robin Dunne
4:00P VERITAS - Guest stars include Eureka's Erica Cerra
6:00P PENANCE - Guest stars include Stargate SG-1's Michael Shanks
7:00P SLEEPERS - Guest stars include Jonathon Young as Nicholas Tesla
9:00P KALI - PARTS I & II - Sanctuary's TWO HOUR Season Finale! - Guest stars include Stargate Atlantis' Paul McGillion!
11:00P KALI - PARTS I & II
At Syfy:
Kali Parts 1&2 - Sanctuary
Watch a sneak peek from the upcoming episode of Sanctuary! Fridays 10/9C.
Courtesy of Syfy:
Kali-Parts 1 & 2 - Sanctuary - Next Episode
An ancient cult connected to Big Bertha rocks the foundations of the Sanctuary.
At SciFi Wire:
(Please follow the link for the complete column.)
Everything you need to know about this week's sci-fi TV
By Kathie Huddleston
ON 01/11/10
...Sanctuary (Syfy), Friday at 9 p.m.
Two-hour season finale!
It's hard to believe we're at the end of Sanctuary's second season already. But at least the season is ending with what creator Damian Kindler believes are "two of the most original episodes Sanctuary has ever done." In "Kali, Parts 1 and 2," when all the abnormals in the world begin to behave irrationally, it leads to an ancient abnormal who could destroy billions of lives if left unchecked. The episodes are "completely outside the box," said Kindler. "You will see monster and creature design on a scale we've never attempted before. 'Kali, Parts 1 and 2' are really about a global threat, and we take the audience places they've never been, and we show footage we shot in Tokyo when we were there. And then we take you to our version of Bombay, the ocean depths, the middle of the Indian Ocean. In part two there is, believe it or not, an amazing Bollywood dance by Will Zimmerman." Beyond the dancing Zimmerman, Syfy announced it's picked up Sanctuary for a third season.
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