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Haggis, Rewrites, and the Soliciting Your Opinions.

... So, as we prep for the show’s second season – and keeping in mind you haven’t seen the more action-oriented back half of season one – I’d like to know:
1. Which character would you like to see explored more?
For responses see Which SGU character would you like to see more of in the back half of season one and beyond??
2. What aspect of the show would you like to see exploited more?
For responses see What aspect of the show would you like to see further explored in the back half of season one and beyond?
3. What aspect of the show would prefer to see minimized?
For responses see What aspect of the show would you prefer to see minimized?
4. What was your favorite “story moment” from the first half of SGU’s first season?
For responses see What was your favorite “story moment” from the first half of SGU’s first season?
5. What element (I’m leaving this one wide open) would you like to see added to the series as a whole?
For responses see What element (I’m leaving this one wide open) would you like to see added to the series as a whole?
1. Which character would you like to see explored more?
Rusch and Eli...I have a feeling Rusch has a really cool and interesting backstory. Okay, I will tell you my take on what I though his backstory was originally. I kinda feel like he had a wife and/or child that got very sick and he has been watching them die. This was AFTER he descended to Earth from being an Ancient. There is something out there that will help them, that is why he wanted to go on this journey. Wether he actually remembers being an Ancient I don't know. I would like to think that he does not remember- like Daniel did, just remembers bits and pieces.
For Eli I definetly want more backstory. Let's just say I would peg him as a Drew from Taylor Swift's song "Teardrop's On My Guitar". Even though he says he never had a best friend- and I think we all have to assume limited if any girlfriends....I think there was someone back on Earth that cared for him as he does for Chloe.
2. What aspect of the show would you like to see exploited more?
Sci-fi aspects. "Time" was (in my opinion) one of the best of the first half of the season. It had the sci-fi/Stargate feeling to it, because without the stargate the story doesn't work. For almost all the other shows you could do ANY of those stories without the gate there, because you are in a ship. That was one of the things I loved hearing Michael Shanks say about Stargate several years ago. "I know I'm going to get roasted for saying this, but it's so not really our show [traveling in a ship]". Which is the one aspect that I think sets the Stargate franchise apart from all the other sci-fi shows out there.
3. What aspect of the show would prefer to see minimized?
This is actually the question I answered last. That is hard to say, especially since we haven't seen the second half of the season yet. But as a general idea NO CLIFF HANGERS! The season brake or end of both a SG-1 and Atlantis that had them both is make space ship battles almost killed me!
4. What was your favorite “story moment” from the first half of SGU’s first season?
In "Time" after the teaser is over and you cut back to hear Eli say "what the hell" (or something close to that). That was such a Stargate moment, the realization that nothing you just saw happened but now you have to figure out why it didn't happen and how to keep it from happening this time.
5. What element (I’m leaving this one wide open) would you like to see added to the series as a whole?
FURLINGS!!! Hehe...yes I know we are never going to actually see them. But (again my opinion) is that they are tall and slinky creatures (like the Kaminoans from Star Wars). I think their name does not have to do with warm and fuzzy but it has to do with their traveling in ships. I borrowed this from wikipedia.com
"Furling refers to stowing or dousing a boat's sail by flaking (folding), packing (like stuffing a spinnaker into a turtle), roller furling or just lowering it onto the deck. Nowadays, it is becoming more common to use the term "furling" to refer to reefing a sail that is part of a roller furling system."
Sorry i was so long winded but that is my opinion on the situation.
1. Which character would you like to see explored more? Eli
2. What aspect of the show would you like to see exploited more? Rush and Eli working together
3. What aspect of the show would prefer to see minimized? Chloe and Matt's relationship
4. What was your favorite “story moment” from the first half of SGU’s first season? Time, because Eli opened up, we got an insight into him.
5. What element (I’m leaving this one wide open) would you like to see added to the series as a whole? Contact with alien races
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