(Please follow the link for the complete blog update. There are new photos and a new video clip at the site.)
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Alas, no owl sightings today but I did spot a colorful-looking teamster hanging around the lunch tent. Sadly, however, there was no one around to offer up wildlife commentary. Still it would‘ve been hard to beat David Hewlett‘s reaction upon spotting the owl yesterday. “My invitation to Hogwarts!”he piped up. “It’s finally arrived!”
Today, main unit was in the FX Stage, shooting the Harmony tease. And while they were shooting, I was in the office reading Paul’s pass on Outcast (offering up a more vulnerable side of Sheppard), watching a day #1 mix of Quarantine (a lot of terrific little character moments), eating pizza (Yes! Pizza!) for lunch, and composing a response to one of the many email scammers I‘ve taken to baiting of late.
Today’s blog is dedicated to whoever is celebrating a birthday/got sick or injured/recovered from getting sick or injured, or is related to someone who made a request to have a blog dedicated to themselves or someone they know either today, yesterday, or tomorrow.
Today’s pics: More from the Harmony forest shoot (cue atmosphere, Genii, Eli takes a break).
Today’s video: see nature get a helping hand (David Hewlett).¤t=Naturedoesntworkwithouthelp.flv

Screen cap from the video clip.
Hey, since I’m around, allow me to field some questions -
Morjana writes: “ I noticed in the background what appeared to be plywood laid down on the forest floor. 1. Was that plywood? 2. If so, was it there for the cameras to roll on, to facilitate the the smooth movement of the camera dolly wheels?”
Answer: The plywood was laid down for both the equipment and the crew because it had rained the day before and the ground was extremely muddy.
Alipeeps writes: “So, does Joe F take a guitar with him everywhere these days?!”
Answer: Pretty much. Yup.
Flying Fig writes: “Since you had Jerry from EXTRA! on the set as a Genii, does this mean that the infotainment show is going to feature a segment on SGA? If so, did he hint when?”
Answer: Yes, Extra’s feature on Stargate Atlantis will air a couple of days before the premiere. I’ll let you know when I have a date.
Atlantisfannew1 a ecrit: “Attention!! révélation du projet secret!!”
Response: C’est magnifique! Merci!
Anonymous #1 writes: “1.Will Teyla get a love interest,well maybe not a love interest as such but maybe someone taking an interest. 2.Will there be lots of Teyla Whump in S4.”
Answer: Yes on both counts.
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