(Please follow the link for the complete blog update. There is a new video clip and photos of Mr. Mallozzi's "kids.")
Today’s video: Oodles of fun on set. Click on the [link below] for a video of David, Amanda, and Jewel yukking it up.¤t=AmandaJewelandDavidyukkingitup.flv

(Photo is from a screencap of the video clip, with some editing, courtesy of Joseph Mallozzi.)
Friday, September 7, 2007
Scheduling snafus abound as the season draws to a close between this issue and that issue and pulling up and pushing back. We all sat in John Smith’s office this afternoon (John Smith, John Lenic, Paul, Carl, Alan, Martin Wood, Andy Mikita, and myself) and went over the seemingly endless scenarios - shifting, switching, scrambling - until we finally arrived at a tenuous house-of-cards solution that could very well fall apart anytime between now and the last day of shooting. I’m exhausted. The weekend couldn’t have rolled in on a better day (Fridays have always worked best for me).
**massive snippage**
No mailbag today but plenty o’ pics: lotsa o‘ Lulu settling in.
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