(Please follow the link for the complete blog update. No photos today, but there is a new video clip.)
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Well, given the flash hailstorm that pounded Burnaby today (catching Marty G. and I on our way to post to finish cutting Harmony) I think I'll declare Summer officially over. Though, to be fair, it seems as though it slipped out the back several weeks ago when no one was looking. Now, we can look forward to rainy days, early nights, and that great grey limbo known as the end of season hiatus. Atlantis premieres in less than two weeks and despite the fact that the latest research suggests DVR use is impacting our ratings by as much as 22%, I'm feeling confident. Both SciFi and MGM are gearing up their promotion machines and the episodes we`ve finished are looking great.
Yep. Confident. Not overly, but quietly so. Still, just in case, I'd like each of you to find a friend with a Nielsen box and go watch the show at their place. Make it worth their while. Bring cookies (preferably the chewy kind without raisins)!
Oh, and speaking of promotions, I see by my site meter stats that this blog is slowly inching toward its 500 000th visit. Wow, we've come a long way from last December when I would average 25-50 visits a day, most of them me checking in to find out whether anyone had left me a comment. Now, it's more like 4 000+. And I'd like to thank the following for making it happen: Aloysius P. Hazzencockle, Percival H. Lintmuffin, Baron Destructo, Margaret Quibble, Agent Wexler, Merton Castrati, Helena Krumpett Fullbottom, and, of course, Cookie Monster for their tireless work and significant contributions.
Oh, and the fans. To mark the 250 000th visit, I gave away a box of unofficial flocking from the set of Stargate Continuum. That'll be hard to top that, but I'll see what I can come up with in the coming week. Damn. I now regret throwing out those gelatinous red stick-on pustules that Colonel Vaselov was stricken with in Lockdown. Hmmm. Maybe a vial of sand from the season finale, The Last Man, would be
appropriate. Or maybe a French Bulldog.
In closing, I'd like to echo Paul's sentiments and sincerely hope O.J. can hunt down the real Casino robber.
Today's pics: What pics?
Today's video: A video of a Genii under fire.

Photo is a screencap from today's video clip.
Over to the Q&A -
Tanya writes: "Is there any moments where she [Carter] will feel vulnerable...or guilty?"
Answer: Yep.
Morjana writes: "Would you happen to know how many episodes Dr. Z will be in this year?"
Answer: Sorry, I don't have the exact episode count. However, episode count aside, Zelenka will be featured more this season than any other.
FargateOne writes: "Les chaînes de tv me semble produire de plus en plus de séries tv fondées sur des histoires de paranormal, de spritisme,de revenants et de vampires au lieu de bons scénarios de science-fiction? Est-ce purement une question d'argent, la sci-fi coûte-elle trop chère à créer?"
Answer: I'll respond in English. The reason why you see more "spec" fiction than science fiction on television is because, yes, science fiction is prohibitively more expensive. It is also considered a very narrow genre that only appeals to a certain audience whereas speculative fiction shows (like Heroes and the upcoming Moonlight) offer a broader audience appeal.
Anonymous #1 writes: "As much as you might dis like Creation versus GateCon. Would you show up to the con for the Fans sake? or the Gate World dinner?"
Answer: GateCon? Sure.
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