Be All My Sins Remember'd
Transcript of MGM Episode Trailer
Amanda Tapping Introduction: "Hi, I'm Amanda Tapping from Stargate Atlantis. Be sure to watch this week's episode, "Be All My Sins Remember'd."

Ubiquitous Lieutenant: "Too late, they're already here!"

Sheppard: "Lieutenant, get your men through the gate."

Todd (the Wraith) (to Rodney McKay): "Then perhaps I should threaten to feed on you if you do not complete the coding in time."

Col. Caldwell (Mitch Pileggi): "Fire!"

Shep (to Todd the Wraith): "If your side crossed us…"

Todd (the Wraith): "I die. I know."

Ronon (to SGA personnel with him, beaming into...): "Fan out, fan out."

Todd (the Wraith): "Transferring power from non-critical systems to holo generation."

Capt. Kleinman (Kirby Morrow): "What the hell…?"

Co. Ellis (Michael Beach) (incredulously): "Son of a bitch…"

Ronon (to Rodney): "Let's go, come on!"

That's Not Capt. Kleinman, it's Maj. Marks (From SG-1).
And i think its "transfering power from non critical systems to Hull regeneration"
Also Sheppard says "First time you cross us"
And Ronon says "Pan out, Pan out"
lol i think thats all i have to say im really looking forward to this episode :)
**That's Not Capt. Kleinman, it's Maj. Marks (From SG-1).**
**And i think its "transfering power from non critical systems to Hull regeneration"**
Oh, that makes more sense. Thank you!
**Also Sheppard says "First time you cross us"**
Again thanks.
**And Ronon says "Pan out, Pan out"**
Oh...I'm going to quibble with you on this one. Fan out makes more sense than pan out...
**lol i think thats all i have to say im really looking forward to this episode :)**
Me too!
Yeah sorry it seemed kinda abrupt the way i just came in and corrected everything lol...
I watched the preview a couple more times im sure its "Pan out, Pan out"
but im sure thats means the same thing as fan out anyway lol :P
No probs for helping pick up those little things (after all i have watched the preview about 100 times waiting for the ep lol)
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