(Please follow the link for the complete blog update and to view the NEW season five production photos in their original full-sized, higher-resolution format.)
March 26, 2008: Thank you's all around
Today, a round of thank-you's are in order.
Thank you to James Robbins who has been going all out on the designs and concept drawings for Whispers - and clearly having a hell of a time doing it. This morning, we took a stroll through the village set, the entrance to the cave network, the catacombs, the chamber, and the well. Creeptastic. We've done a number of "monster" episodes, but we have yet to do an out and out "horror" eppy. You know, the kind that
has you sleeping with the lights on for nights to come. That's what I'm going for.

Thank you to Marty G. who had us spinning in the writers' room for about twenty minutes over lunch today, trying to come up with a title for the mid-season two-parter. I kind of liked A Smattering of Scenes - but no one else did. So - still nothing. But that didn't stop him from putting out a first draft of part one.
Thank you to Carl for his continuing patience. We didn't get around to giving him notes on Tracker today either. Maybe tomorrow. In the meantime - here, have some chocolate.
Today's pics: Books, chocolate; Ivon Bartok, Tobias Slezak, Alex Levine, and Whispers construction.

[NOTE: Actor Tobias Slezak appeared in Stargate SG-1's "Heroes, Parts 1 & 2" as Tech Sergeant Dale James; Ivon Bartok was the assistant for Gecko Productions [Richard Dean Anderson's and Michael Greenburg's production company when they were executive producers on SG1] and is now the producer of the DVD featurettes for Stargate; and Alex Levine is the script coordinator for Stargate Atlantis, and is writing his first episode, "Inquisition," for SGA.]
I've got some time before the wife gets home. Quick! Let's squeeze in some mailbag -
mom2398 writes: "Any sign of Jeannie Miller in Season 5?"
Answer: The Shrine of Talus.
cool writes: "Are we going to see more of Todd the Wraith in Season 5? He always seems to be working on his own, which is interesting since the Wraith seem so hive-oriented. Does he have a Wraith Queen he answers to?"
Answer: Your last question will be answered this season. So far, we have Todd slated for three appearances.
[NOTE: Todd is portrayed by actor Christopher Heyerdahl.]
RW writes: "If you get notes from the network that suggest reworking a script - do you have to follow what they say or could you simply say that you are going to leave it exactly as is. "
Answer: Well, I like to consider any script a team effort. It would be silly to dismiss any input out of hand because. We have received some great notes in the past that have made the scripts better. That said, if implementing the notes will improve the script, I will do so. If I feel they will hurt the script, then I'll dig my heels in and fight. It rarely comes down to a fight in the latter case, more an involved discussion.
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