Ms. Frizzell announced a contest, asking for fans to submit photos of themselves costumed/made up as a Wraith. Here's the follow up blog, with contestant photos. - Morjana]
From Andee Frizzell's blog update for March 16, 2008:
(Please follow the link for the complete blog update and to view all the fan photos.)
Your amazing photos
Hello Gaters'
I want to start off this blog by saying a great big thank you to all the wonderful wraith followers out there that sent in their amazing photos which you will see as you scroll down this blog.
On another note, Last Man has finally aired so I am adding a photo I hope you all will enjoy. Remember I have been holding onto this photo for a few months now waiting for the episode to air. At the P3 convention in London I nearly let the head out of the bag to say........ ( who says that! no one surely! ) when I mentioned that Connor and I had worked together recently, as everyone listening would have gathered for that to happen the Hybrids and the Pure Bloods must meet again! OOOPPS! I am glad the episode aired so soon after and no one busted my little spoiler. Or if you did bust me, you let me hang my head in shame! ( teehee )
(Please follow the link above for the full-sized, higher-resolution versions of these photos.)

I spent much of that day on set introducing everyone to my head, making ridiculous jokes about losing my head, two heads are better than one, table for two etc.... you can only imagine how annoying I was! Well....let's get on with the photo's right!
Thanks again, for all the entries. I have decided that everyone that mailed in a picture as a wraith is going to get a signed photo! How can I seriously only pick one favorite as all the entries are so creative and different from one another!
Before I get to answering some of the posts I wanted to add that the Queen from the Last Man is totally, defiantly dead, I have the pictures to prove it ....... but in sci-fi is anything totally definite! WINK! Be on the look out for season 5 Wraith followers, there is many great twists coming........ and well that's all I can write for now!
Take care of your hive!
L8'Ter Gaters!
Hi Morjana, thanks for having reviewed Andee's blog!
Hi, Gilles!
You're very welcome!
I so enjoy your work with the SciFi World:
Thank YOU for all your hard work and for sharing your talent with the Stargate fans!
Best wishes, Morjana
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