(Please follow the link for the complete review.)

'Burn Notice': Meet Michael's mini-me
By Sarah Jersild
August 14, 09:34 PM
Burn Notice is normally compelling enough to make me ignore any elements that might cause disbelief. Big guns? Huge explosions? A constant array of family friends who need help? Michael's infinite skillset? I can buy that. But Michael's Mayor Quimby-gets-brain-damage Baaaahstahn accent? Oh, hell no.
This spoiler can never have enough shoes.
There's a new bad-ass in town -- Victor [Stargate SG-1's Michael Shanks], one of Carla's cohorts, is brought in to bring Michael to heel. Victor's into firearms and killing and the potential destruction of everyone Michael holds dear. He gives Michael a cunning bedazzled cell phone (pretty!) and tells Michael he is now officially at Victor's beck and call...
...Meanwhile, Victor summons Michael to play driver for a heist, but he won't tell Michael what they're stealing and why. Fortunately, Michael has improvisational x-ray skills, and, along with making things go boom, he manages to get a picture of the mysterious item. No, it's not a Stargate (dammit!) -- it's a sniper rifle. Huh. Why steal such a thing? And why didn't the Evil Spy Overlords want Michael to know about it?
Highlights, thoughts and odds and ends
* What did you think of Victor? I think he's appealingly unhinged, but I don't know if I buy him as a bigger bad-ass than Michael himself. I did like the note around the GPS in the phone, though.
* Victor's crazy came out the most, I think, when he accepted that Michael would be cowed enough to not want to see what's in the box. Or maybe they figured Michael would figure out how to see into the box, an the sniper rifle hides something else. Or maybe Michael knows that they know, and he... my head hurts...
Michael's spy bits
* Fire alarms are passe. No one pays attention unless they, themselves, have burst into flames. A bomb threat on the building next door gets people out of the building you're targeting and has them concentrating on another place. Plus, modern bomb squads use RF jammers that block potential bomb triggers, cell phones and wireless security camera...
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