(Please follow the link for the complete three-page interview.)

Exclusive Interview: Jason Momoa
Actor not as stoic as his 'Atlantis' character
By Blaine Kyllo | Monday, August 11, 2008
Like Ronon Dex, the character he plays on Stargate Atlantis, Jason Momoa is tall, muscular, and imposing. Unlike the stoic Ronon, however, Momoa is loud, boisterous, and larger than life. He’s the kind of actor that makes sure people know when he’s entered the room, and when he takes to the Daedalus set where interviews with press are being conducted, his voice booms through the hallways.
The day before we saw Momoa in his car, a ’50s-era pink Cadillac he purchased in Santa Barbara and drove to Vancouver in a winding road trio. “She’s called Lulu. Honolulu. Did a road trip, Keroac-style, me and a buddy. Got lost. And found Vancouver. Destination: Vancouver. Windy roads. No heater. We froze our asses off.”
A brief excerpt:
CinemaSpy: Both [stunt coordinator] James Bamford and [costume designer] Val Halverson mentioned how involved you are in idea generation for your character. Talk about that.
Jason Momoa: I’m very involved because to me, my process starts with whatever sparks in my head, my imagination of what this character’s going to be. Then, when I get to set, when I first got here, it was so amazing what these women did with my wardrobe. But it starts for me with the wardrobe. Just like stepping into the character. Val, I would think, is annoyed by me because I’m constantly in there about wardrobe. That’s my passion; I’ve got to constantly be creative. There’s always an outlet there for me, whether I’m doing my art or writing or just having an idea. With that shop down there, they can make, distress, build anything, and Ronon is that guy. He’s always been on the run and he makes his clothes and he’s got these imperfections and it wears the scars of him running. He’s like, “I’ve bled in these. This is my home.” That’s what it is, his boots and his clothes. That’s what he’s carried. To me that was very important, wardrobe.

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