GateWorld Podcast: Episode #11
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Teyla takes center stage in last Friday's episode of Stargate Atlantis, and in this week's podcast! Darren and David (GateWorld's editors) discuss Teyla's character and "The Queen," from make-up to Wraith sociology to Todd's cunning plan.
This week we have lots of Stargate news and GateWorld features to cover, including an exclusive preview from our upcoming interview with actor Gary Jones ("Walter Harriman"). Fans also sound off on "The Queen" and the use of Teyla's character over the past four years.
This Week's Listener Question: Jennifer Keller is featured in this week's new episode "Tracker," so call in and tell us what you think of Atlantis's doctor. Is Keller a realistic portrayal of an ordinary person facing extraordinary and frightening circumstances in the Pegasus Galaxy? ... Or is she just a whiner? Call the GateWorld Podcast Hotline and let us know what you think.
Leave us a voicemail and we'll play some of your responses in next week's show! Just dial:
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You can also leave a comment below, or post on the Podcast Feedback thread at the forum.
Next Week: We'll talk about Friday's new episode, "Tracker," and Jennifer Keller's character. Watch the episode at 10 p.m. (9 Central) on SCI FI, and then join us for the GateWorld Podcast next Tuesday.
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