The Official STARGATE SG-1/ATLANTIS Convention comes to Burbank, California on November 21-23, 2008. Great tickets still remain, so make your plans to join the celebration: it is going to be fantastic, especially considering we have two conventions going on in the hotel the same weekend. (the other one is for Firefly/Serenity)
Click here for all the details and ticket info.
Below is the updated schedule now including final guests for the breakfast and dessert parties.
Friday, November 21, 2008
9 pm: Pre-Registration for Gold Patrons only and Opening Night Party (pre-registration is not a necessity, just a convenience if you'd like)
Saturday, November 22, 2008
9am to 11am: Acting Workshop with Alexis Cruz, separate admission required, see below. Location to be announced
10:30 am Pre-Registration for Gold Patrons (pre-registration is not a necessity, just a convenience if you'd like)
11:00 am to 11:30 am: Pre-Registration for Preferred Weekend, vendors room opens
11:30 am to Noon: Pre-Registration for All Patrons, vendors room open
Noon to 6 pm: Registration and Vendors Room Open, Programming Opens with guest appearances by Kavan Smith, Alexis Cruz, and Dan Shea
8:30 pm: Stargate Cabaret: Some of our guests in performance, included on a complimentary basis for Gold and Preferred Patrons, everyone else can purchase tickets for a nominal fee. Featuring ALEXIS CRUZ (adults only) and DAN SHEA.
10 pm: GOLD WEEKEND PATRONS EXCLUSIVE DESSERT PARTY: Here our Gold Patrons from both conventions being held in the hotel this weekend (Stargate, Firefly/Serenity) get their party on! Tentative guests include Stargate franchise's ALEXIS CRUZ, KAVAN SMITH and DAN SHEA and Firefly/Serenity's RON GLASS and JEWEL STAITE (also from Stargate Atlantis). Musical entertainment from Marian Call, courtesy of QMx.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
8 am to 9:30 am: Sunday Morning Breakfast exclusive to Gold Weekend Patrons of both events and includes guests from both Stargate and Firefly/Serenity including Summer Glau, Gina Torres, and Adam Baldwin of Firefly/Serenity and Stargate Atlantis' Rachel Lutrell, Jason Momoa and David Hewlett
9:30 am: Registration and vendors room open
10:00 am to 6 pm: Registration, Vendors Room and Programming Begins featuring Rachell Luttrell, Jason Mamoa and David Hewlett. The plan is to have on stage Jason (30 mins) followed by Rachel, followed by David, followed by all 3 (45 minutes together). This will make a fabulous piece of programming and one of the true highlights of the entire Stargate franchise tour!
Fri., Sat. & Sun. November 21-23, 2008
The Weekend Before Thanksgiving
Burbank Airport Marriott Hotel
2500 Hollywood Way
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