GateWorld talks with Kate Hewlett
It is hard to believe that Kate Hewlett has only appeared in four episodes of Stargate Atlantis. One of those shows was for a single "blink and you'll miss me" scene. It's equally hard for us to believe that it's been over a year since we last spoke!
GateWorld is happy to correct this oversight in this interview with the actress, in which we reflect on the journey of Jean Miller. We also discuss where Kate would have liked Jeannie to have gone had Atlantis continued to a sixth season, and updates us on all of her current projects, from Humans Anonymous to singing and movies.
After the interview, be sure to pay a visit to Kate's personal blog!
GateWorld's interview with Kate runs over 35 minutes. Listen online at your leisure, download it to your MP3 player, or subscribe to our iTunes podcast. The full interview is also transcribed [at the link above]!

A brief excerpt:
GW: What were some of your first thoughts when you received the script for "The Shrine?" I think that that was your best acting that you have ever done. It was such a powerful script and there were some powerful scenes in that that just had me in tears.
What were your first thoughts? "Oh my gosh, I'm going to have to break down in this scene. How am I going to do that?" Or "I'm going to have to get through that scene." What went through your mind?
KH: I think the first thing that happened was David sent me an email saying "You've got your work cut out for you" or something. And then he said that there was some intense acting to be done. And then I read the script and I was in tears pretty much from top to bottom from page one till the end.
I wasn't that scared, actually. When it's a good script, and obviously the other ones were great scripts as well. But this one in particular had great comedy in it. But it was a really great script, and that makes it easier to act well.
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