(Please follow the link to view the NEW behind-the-scenes photos from Stargate Atlantis' 'Enemy at the Gate' in their original format.)

Stargate Atlantis cast - Jewel Staite, David Hewlett, Rachel Luttrell, Joe Flanigan, Jason Momoa, Sharon Taylor, Robert Picardo and Paul McGillion
January 10, 2009: Finale
Even though last night’s episode marked the official end of Stargate: Atlantis, the series, it really ended for many of us several months ago when the sets went dark for the last time. Yes, it was a wonderful ride and, yes, there is a movie (and possibly more) to look forward to, but that made it no less difficult to say goodbye to the people I worked with and the characters I wrote for these many years. I’d be lying if I said it was always fun because, at times, it was tough and stressful and frustrating and, truth be told, there are some elements I definitely won’t miss but, for the most part, I regret the show had to conclude with its fifth season.

When we were breaking Enemy at the Gate, we saw it as a very special episode, not because it would be our series finale (at the time, we were somewhat optimistic that we would get that sixth season pick-up), but because it was going to be our 100th episode. For that reason, it turned out to be a little different from past finales, less a cliffhanger and more of a coming full-circle that featured the star of the series: the city of Atlantis. It was also intended to be the launching point for a very interesting early season 6 scenario: With Atlantis back on Earth, why the hell would the I.O.A. ever let it go? And if it remained, which, by all indications seemed likely, what would become of its occupants, especially Ronon and Teyla? Also, with a permanent station in the Milky Way, wouldn‘t Atlantis, logically, cease to be a launch point for gate travel and, instead, become a research center for Ancient technology? Well, I guess you’ll never know the answer to these questions…

IF you don’t check out the Stargate: Atlantis movie that goes into production later this year, that is. But since, I suspect, most of you will, then you’ll have your answers in good time.

So, looking back over the show’s five year run, certain moments and scenes do stand out for me: McKay delivering Teyla’s baby in Search and Rescue, Ronon coming down from the wraith enzyme in Broken Ties, McKay locking lips with Beckett in Duet, the big space battle over the replicator homeworld in Be All My Sins Remember’d, the wraith making himself up to Marilyn Manson in Vegas, Michael discovering his true identity in Michael, Teyla dispatching of Michael in The Prodigal, Ronon and Todd going down fighting side by side in The Last Man, Beckett’s goodbye fade at the end of Sunday, the wraith assault on Atlantis in Siege II, Todd changing the script by killing the other queen in The Queen - to name a few.

What about all of you? If you had to narrow it down to three scenes or moments, which would be your favorites?

1 comment:
Re: group shot
Jason sure looks great without his dreadlocks....
I am really going to miss Flanigan and Mamoa the most.
I just hope to see them do a series again, e.g. some more action genre or combo of action
and mystery.
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