(Please follow the link for the complete interview.)

'Dollhouse' Week: An interview with Tahmoh Penikett
Welcome to Dollhouse Week. Over the next few days we'll feature a variety of posts about Joss Whedon's new FOX series, which stars Eliza Dushku as a young "doll," someone who can be implanted with any personality or skill set and hired out for missions, only to have her memory wiped and returned to a childlike state when the task is done. First up: Tahmoh Penikett, who plays an FBI agent investigating the highly illegal and seemingly mythical Dollhouse.
... Have there been any big surprises as you've gotten to know your character better?
Not huge surprises, but it's interesting thinking about the direction I got from Joss in some of the first episodes -- I was a little confused. But it's funny, coming full circle six episodes later, I completely understand why. The man's juggling a lot of things -- I'm obviously not privy to the long storyline, and he didn't always have the opportunity to share all that with me. But it was good to kind of question some of the directions and choices he was making for my character in the very beginning and seeing it make sense some episodes later.
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