(Please follow the link for the complete blog update. It's color coded at Joe's blog to help maintain continuity.)

Stargate SG-1 season ten cast photo courtesy of GateWorld
February 9, 2009: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
So during SG-1’s final season, I came up with an outline for a time travel episode. And not your typical time-travel episode either. Building on a notion Paul [Mullie] once pitched out, I built a story on the idea of the team triggering an accident with the time-traveling puddle jumper (last scene in Good To Be King) which ends up landing them in three separate timelines: past, present, and future. As the story progresses, past events influence the present, shaping the future but both the present and future inevitably shape what has come before as well. Anyway, I had a lot of fun ideas of how the different timelines could affect each other and, rather than pitch it out verbally and risk confusing everyone, I decided to spell it all out in a color-coded outline ... that ended up confusing everyone. Hell, re-reading the thing today, there are elements that leave me confused. But, trust me - at the time, it all made perfect sense.
And so, today, I present to you a story idea that didn’t make the cut, in all of its detailed, multi-colored glory. If nothing else, consider it a fine example of a working outline. Or, better yet, consider it a fine example of a headache-inducing outline that, in the end, failed to win anyone over. Complex, yes. Confusing, you bet. But colorful like nobody’s business!
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