(Please follow the link for the complete interview.)
TV Junkie Interview: Alaina Huffman of Syfy's 'Stargate Universe'

Alaina Huffman (@alainahuffman) plays 1st Lt. Tamara "TJ" Johansen on the Syfy channel's hit series, "Stargate Universe" aka "SGU" to those in the know. You have also seen Huffman as the Black Canary in The CW's "Smallville" for the past couple seasons. Huffman splits her time between the Vancouver soundstage where "SGU" is shot and Los Angeles. We had a chance to check in with her before the upcoming season finale. "SGU" airs on Fridays on Syfy at 9pm and will resume next week.

A brief excerpt:
The TV Junkie: Who from the cast have you learned the most from?
Alaina Huffman: "Oh, that's a great question. I draw so much from them all individually. There is such a sense of respect among all the actors and we genuinely all enjoy each other's company and we actually hang out quite a bit, to the extent that last season one of the producers told us to take a break from each other, "you don't have to hang out with each other every weekend" - and we're like "really, because we really like to!" So we spent quite a bit of time with each other when we were back in LA.
That being said, Robert Carlyle is such a great actor, and such a character actor - you learn so much from him. He actually directed the first episode of season two, so I was really excited to work with him because I thought if I worked with him as a director I could understand how he works as an actor. Also, Louis Ferreira, he could not be further from his character, he is so funny and easy going and loving and genuine, he's really not that stuffy Colonel Young that he plays - he does all these character voices, he's very entertaining. Ming-Na, Elyse Levesque, are such stand-up people, they're so much fun to work with. They're all such a great group, I really draw from everyone..."

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