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Five questions with Eddie McClintock and Joanne Kelly of Syfy's 'Warehouse 13'

Wednesday, Jun. 30, 2010
by David Martindale
Now that Eddie McClintock, one of the stars of Syfy's Warehouse 13, has experienced what it's like to have a hit TV show, he doesn't want the feeling to go away. "How about a 15-year run?" he asks. "I think there are enough story possibilities to keep us going that long." McClintock stars as Secret Service Agent Pete Lattimer alongside Joanne Kelly as Agent Myka Bering. It's their job to chase down cursed, haunted and bad-juju artifacts and to keep them locked away in a top-secret facility in South Dakota. Season 2 of Warehouse 13, the highest-rated series in Syfy history, begins at 8 p.m. Tuesday.
A brief excerpt:
How gratifying is it that the show has become the network's biggest series ever?
Kelly: You create these things in a bubble. You have no idea if people will be welcoming or if they'll enjoy it. So it's an incredibly validating feeling to have people respond the way they did.
McClintock: This was my 10th pilot. People kept telling me not to give up. Not that I ever entertained the notion of quitting, because I don't know what else I would do. But it's great to finally get one that made it. I can't believe how lucky I am.
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